

Respect Earned Me a Friend for Life

文/菲律賓海天禪寺研經禪修班學員 傳諾






  (When I first read The Four Tenets of Chung Tai, I found it really simple, uncomplicated, and easy to comprehend. It is about respect, empathy/compassion, cooperation/conformity, and the last, honesty—the very basic steps to becoming a good person and a good member of society. Seems easy enough to practice, or so I thought. Based on experience, it is easier said than done.

  Let’s talk about the first Tenet—Respect! I grew up with two very strict grandmothers who taught me to always respect my elders, those who are older by age. But I did not know that respecting the elders includes those who are our superiors and those who have more knowledge and experience in life. And here is where I failed miserably at the workplace.

  After my daughter finished college and started working, I decided that I no longer need to work like a dog and compete professionally. I told myself then that it would be my last job until I retire. In the middle of tenure, I was transferred to another department for a better pay and a better position. That’s when my suffering started.

  Rumor has it that the head of the department is a confused person. After working with her for some time, I found that there was truth to the rumor. I became proud and arrogant, and I let myself believe that I was better than my boss and far more intelligent than her. I found myself laughing at her mistakes and unwilling to assist her in any way. I just did what was expected of me and worked on my own terms. I wanted to resign but I loved my job so much. Should I stay or should I go? I was in hell.

  Then I learned the profound meaning of the first Tenet. I knew then that my arrogance prevented me from seeing the good in my superior. I then gave myself a chance to get to know her good qualities. She may not be very bright, but she has a good heart which is more than I can say about me. She is kind and very supportive. From then on, I became more cooperative and tried my best to assist her in whatever way I can. I gave her the respect she deserved. After a while, we became friends. And now that we no longer work together, we still remain friends. Respect earned me a friend for life.)
