本期主題:和合 待人處世的智慧


和合從心 天廣地寬
Finding Harmony—From the Inside Out

文/美國佛門寺護法會副會長 傳倫





  (Before starting my path at Buddha Gate Monastery and being introduced to Buddhism, my understanding was that Harmony was experienced only when others thought and worked the same as I did. Fortunately all of this changed when I started taking classes at BGM. In the Dharma talks, the Dharma teacher always emphasized the teaching of the “Big 3”: Karma, Impermanence, and Middle Way Reality. My favorite quote was: “To know what you've done in the past, observe what is happening now. And to know where you are headed in the future, observe what you are doing now.” This made me think:“What is the significance in what I'm doing now? And where is my life headed?” I always tried to take the teachings to heart and do my best to understand and practice them. This inspired me to take the Three Refuges and Five Precepts. This was the beginning of a major life change for me.

  Shortly after taking and practicing the Precepts, I started to notice real positive changes in myself that were reflected most notably with my interpersonal relationships with coworkers. I observed I was more compassionate and tolerant with them. I was more willing to offer to help others, as opposed to just “getting the job done.” I realized that focusing on more altruistic thoughts and behaviors would lead me to a more meaningful and joyful life. I wanted to create a culture of harmony around me.

  The monastery gave me a wholesome and inspiring environment from which to learn and develop from. I realized that previously, most of my personal time had been used chasing the pleasures of the mundane world—constantly searching for a peaceful “world” inside me by trying to create it from the outside world of the 6 senses. Then a small enlightenment happened! What I was learning at BGM was that my true happiness was the treasure found inside myself, not relying on or attaching to others, or something outside myself. By continuing my practice and meditating more, my mind was natually becoming more peaceful, joyful and content. I started to see through my illusions. Letting go and practicing nonattachment helped me stop the chase. I was starting to create harmony within myself.

  I feel very blessed to be a part of BGM and grateful to Grand Master for his great vow of building a monastery here in the U.S. To me, BGM is more than a place to study Buddha's teachings. It also serves to promote a community for Spiritual growth from which to practice and cultivate our virtues, and to share these blessings with all sentient beings everywhere we go.)
