

Awareness, Compassion and Wisdom:The End of Suffering

文/美國佛心寺研經禪修班學員 法康







  (The past year and a half have been a challenging time for human beings on this planet. Initially, when COVID-19 reached the United States, I was confused and unsure as to why it was so dangerous. The master at Buddha Mind is the person who helped me understand some of the possible dangers that could happen as the virus spread and helped me understand the importance of protecting ourselves and others.

  During this time, I concentrated on the interconnectedness of the world. The whole world was suffering from the same consequences of the disease. It was a demonstration to me of just how our karma is tied together. I also spent a lot of time contemplating how “shutting down” effected the other sentient beings on the planet. The waters became clearer, and all of nature began to thrive in our absence. Again, the proof of the interconnectedness of all sentient beings became an undeniable truth to me.

  I struggled with feelings of anger and fear but through meditation and the Buddha's teachings, I was able to be gentle and honest with myself about what was creating my suffering. As I sat with the anger and fear, I was able to recognize how the three poisons and my ego were creating the suffering. Acknowledging this truth brought immediate relief.

  One of the most surprising and important parts is the importance of compassion. When I viewed people as “others”, I struggled with being impatient and intolerant of their anger, greed and ignorance. Through sitting meditation, my practice provides me the tools to stop my thinking and examine from a place of compassion. I can see their fear. I have learned how practicing compassion, offering well wishes and merits to those I view as “wrong”, I know with certainty the practice changes mine.

  Other concepts that have been useful to me during this journey are causality and impermanence. Understanding impermanence helps me. By not attaching to my feelings and beliefs about how I think things should be, I experience peace. When I am diligent in my practice of meditation and studies, my mindfulness increases. Mindfulness creates awareness and awareness is the key. Awareness helps me correct and challenge faulty beliefs, practice compassion for myself and others and deal with thoughts as they arise instead of allowing the thoughts to direct and control me.

  Thanks to Chung Tai Chan Monastery that work on making the words of the Buddha available to so many. I am honored to be a part of this community and send nothing but love and blessing to all.)
