

自性自觉 觅真心
To Be Aware of Self Nature Is to Seek the True Mind

文/菲律宾海天禅寺研经禅修班学员 法性





  (I found Ocean Sky Chan Monastery when my mind needed serenity and peace. After learning a lot from Abbess's Dharma talks, many things unexpectedly changed within me, such as my impatience while taking the public transport. For example, during the Beginners' Class, I had to leave home by 3:30pm since classes started at 7:30pm. Classes ended at 9:30pm and I would not reach home until 11:30pm or even 12:30am when traffic was heavy. I did not care how hard the trip was because I kept my awareness the whole way. Besides, I always told myself that this is part of my practice. Through this mindset and method, I eventually got rid of my impatience.

  Meditation became my daily activity in the morning and before bedtime. It helps me guard my mind or examine whether my thoughts are in accordance with Buddhist teachings before doing or saying it. In my opinion, it has greatly contributed to changing my personality and views on matters around me. I quit smoking from 3 packs a day, became more patient, and developed respect towards all sentient beings. But most of all, I became vegetarian. I also observed how delusive thoughts mislead people and how people can lose their way or do evil deeds if they are not observant enough.

  During the first two weeks of COVID-19 spread in the Philippines, my mind became muddled and full of worry about many things in life. While meditating, two teachings came to my mind: LET GO and IMPERMANENCE. I used these to lessen my worries and just focused on other things, such as ways to survive and how to help others as much as I can, even with the small things. I have deeply ingrained the Buddhist teachings in my mind to serve as my guide in daily life.

  My Dharma name, Fa Xing (法性 Dharma Nature), the Dharma opened the path for me to understand myself more; that it is my True Mind that is aware of my thoughts and actions. Fa Xing is much like a sprout who has a long way to go to discover his true nature. But Fa Xing will eventually bloom, thanks to the guidance of the Precepts. Even if this might not be accomplished in this life, perhaps it will in the lives to come. I am grateful to Ocean Sky for sharing Buddhism which changed my life and making me a part of the Dharma Support Association. I promise that I will not let them down and will take care of the trust they have given me by continuing to diligently practice and protect the Dharma.)
