

行八正道 得真自在
Practice the Eightfold Path: Attain True Freedom

文/美國中洲禪寺英文高級禪修班學員 法蛻






  (When I was a very young child, I can remember being keenly aware that the world was full of suffering. When I was very young, I had horrible eczema which covered my arms and sometimes legs. It itched and burned and made me feel that I was ugly and different. I remember a little boy who told the other kids in my kindergarten class that I had leprosy and that it was not safe to play with me.

  By the time I became an adult, I was convinced that life was a series of random, sometimes painful, events that we could do nothing about. I spent most of my adult life feeling that even the wonderful things that I experienced were laced with hardship and suffering. After the party or the family reunion, everyone went home. People moved or died. My dear daughter grew up and moved away and my heart of hearts, my dear grandson, went with her.

  I had my first formal introduction to Buddhist practice when I was more than sixty years of age. I learned through the Four Noble Truths that the suffering in life isn’t just a series of cruel, random, and unexplainable acts. There are causes to our suffering and we can learn what they are. Not only can we learn about the causes, we have the power to change the results.

  The causes of suffering are our false views, ignorance and affliction. It was excessive desire and attachment that caused my suffering. I had done this all of my life. I wanted everyone I loved to be within an arm’s reach. I wanted every happy moment to be held eternally in a state of suspended animation. But the Four Noble Truth taught me that I could know peace and have a better, more loving relationship with my dear family if I just loosened my grip.

  We are given a prescription that allows us to liberate from suffering and attain joy—the Eightfold Path. Following the Path, we learn to understand the temporal, empty nature of birth and death; we learn to desire less, to love fearlessly with an open heart. Through persistent practice, we will be able to let go of the ignorance and attachments that cause us to suffer and realize our true self that is open and unencumbered by attachments, and finally be utterly free! )
