


文/美国佛心寺英文研经班学员 传承(Jalaine Smothers)








  (I came to the monastery to meditate and to learn more about Buddhism. I ended up learning about myself and how to face the truth.

  The meditation was and is hard sometimes for me. I have a monkey mind and calming monkeys is a challenge. After practicing I am able to let the random thoughts pass out of my mind. Now when I become upset I search for the calm mind I have during meditation.

  The Dharma talks are beneficial. I always take away something that will help me. It is hard facing the responsibility for your suffering is on you. It is easier to blame others but that is not the truth even if you want it to be.

  I have been known to get very angry very fast. Now I take a breath, let the anger pass over me, I then put the anger on hold. I calm my mind and try to look at the situation without attachments. I try to understand why the person would think their choice was correct. Sometimes they have just had faulty thinking, so instead of using the anger that doesn't help either of us, I try to help them understand the faulty thinking. My anger is on me, their choices are on them. My practice has helped me become a less angry and more compassionate person.

  The change in the way that I handle my temper is what people notice the most about my practice. It has caused people to ask questions about Buddhism. It has caused people to come to the monastery to see what they are doing to me or teaching me there. My Father and Mother go to the monastery and to take the three refuges with them was an honor. My two daughters come with me and my granddaughter would be raised going to the monastery. My husband supports us all in our practice and enjoys talking with us on things that we have learned. With all the chaos and violence we have fought off together as a family to all come together in peace. It is the one thing we all agree on.

  The practice of Buddhism is the easiest and the hardest thing I have ever done. It is simple, seek the truth. But the truth is hard. My salvation, damnation, heaven or hell rest only with me.)
