

The Life of Subtraction(减法的人生)

文/美国佛门寺研经班学员 Lauryn Marinho(传仁)


  Just as one teaches students how to subtract in mathematics (one of the most difficult concepts to teach to children for some reason) – by first using physical manipulatives, such as fingers, blocks, candies, etc., and then gradually moving to the abstract practice of subtraction through symbolic numerals mentally and on paper – I am attempting to subtract my attachments and false ego.

  I need to begin with one step at a time. First, by diminishing the most obvious in the physical state: television. There could be nothing more deceptive, false or ignorant than watching television. By recently removing the act of foolishly watching television, I was able to naturally extricate from the urge to be a certain way and buy more of what is not at all necessary.

  Now is the more challenging part: How do I remove all of my other, less obvious and more abstract attachments that have been embedded within me during my thirty years of living? I have been constantly surrounded, fed and bombarded with delusions and have willingly accepted so many of them. I want and "need" that new and fashionable cell phone, for instance. I desire the good-tasting food from that fancy restaurant. I really crave that feel-good compliment from my boss in order to feed my false ego. If only I could really, truly understand that these desires are just bringing me suffering. Learning the teachings of the Buddha at Buddha Gate Monastery, practicing meditation and receiving my husband's unceasing and compassionate assistance with reminding me to develop more awareness have all assisted me in becoming more conscious of where my attachments lie and what is real.

  Subtracting these material goods and attachments from this life, in fact, adds to my life. My true Buddha nature can be revealed through subtraction.




