







照客组/传颖 我在此次活动中担任照客,负责接待、引导来宾并介绍活动内容。看到组员间互相关照支援,以耐性及积极主动的态度来接待大众,使络绎不绝的参加者,在各个活动区都能宾至如归,心中十分赞叹。也很感恩能在午斋时段,以过来人的身分与大众分享自己数十年来的素食经验。诚心希望能有更多人加入素食者的行列!

司仪/Paul Nightingale  I had a wonderful experience of hosting this event. There was a terrific turnout, a full house! One thing that really stood out for me was the positive group atmosphere. Amazing! Attendees were very attentive and inquisitive to ask any questions related to the subject matter. As the host I found I was also impressed by the excellent timing and professionalism of the presenters including career chefs and medical professionals.(这次担任司仪的经验非常美好。活动进行得很顺利,处处人山人海,洋溢着正向的团队气氛。让我印象深刻的是,所有来宾都能聚精会神,抱持着好奇的态度踊跃发问;而在演讲、烹饪示范和比赛的人士中,更不乏厨师及医护人员。我很赞叹他们的专业素养,以及恰如其分的时间掌控。)

照客组/传升 I encouraged guests to make the pledge to be vegetarian one day a week or one meal a day. I realized that I can incorporate it into my lesson planning. I am a high school teacher and one of my most challenging subjects is about Advanced Placement Environmental Science. I believe teaching students about the benefits of making this commitment will demonstrate how we can make a difference in our environment through personal choices we make every day.(我鼓励参加活动的来宾共同发愿,每周一日或每日一餐练习吃素。身为高中老师,最有挑战性的科目之一是有关环境科学的课程。我相信如果教育学生吃素的益处,能令他们体认到:我们每天所作的决定,都能在自己生长的环境中,产生显著的改变。)

素食心得分享学员/Corby Poursaba Before I became a vegan 20 years ago, I was tired and frumpy all the time. Only after a few months of embracing the vegan lifestyle, I reaped its benefits of restoring energy during the day. Another totally surprising thing was I subconsciously became more compassionate toward animals. I started seeing animals in a completely different light. Something inside of me shifted. No longer were they sentient beings to dominate or kill. They are my equals who share this planet with us.(二十年前我老是感到倦怠无力,因此开始吃全素;才几个月时间,我就感受恢复了以往的活力。另一件令人讶异的事情是:我开始用慈悲的态度看待动物,它们不再是人类食用或主宰的对象,而是和我们平等共享地球的众生。没想到我的心念竟然因为吃素而转变了!)

烹饪比赛学员/传术 Though I am an experienced foodservice professional, I had never been involved in such an event. It was a great success for all. I was impressed by the care and detail that went into the planning and execution of it, and especially the feeling of open-minded goodwill, friendliness and compassion that pervaded the scene. My thoughts on all aspects of my own diet have been positively, and perhaps permanently, influenced by the things I learned and experienced.(虽然自己是有经验的厨师,但这是我首次参加素食节。活动非常成功,令人感受到开放、友善、慈悲的精神。精舍投注许多心力在事前准备及当日的活动进行上,并注意到各项细节,这些努力令我印象深刻。在素食节中所经历及学习到的事,对我的饮食观产生了正面而长远的影响。)

照客组/传幸 Oklahoma is a land of animal farming. Farmers sell livestock for meat and or dairy use. This is the first time I have been to an event dedicated to teaching people how and why we should have a cleaner and more compassionate diet. It’s not easy to have so many Oklahomans came with open minds and curiosity piqued, not to mention inside a Buddhist monastery. Each participant now has seeds planted in their mind and they will realize what they are eating used to be living beings. This event is quite honestly making a dent in this state’s history, and I feel so honored to witness the change in Oklahoma culture.(奥州的畜牧业很发达,家畜被养殖来供做食物及其他日常用途。这是我第一次参加专门教导民众如何培养更清净、慈悲的饮食习惯的活动。想让这么多居民,以开放及好奇的态度来参与素食节并不容易,更何况是来到佛寺!所有来宾心中已种下种子,他们将体认到肉食者的食物是生灵的血肉。我相信这场活动已经在奥州历史上留下印记,而我很荣幸能见证本地饮食文化的转变。)

演讲学员/传道 I spoke at the Veggie Festival to tell people that well planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle. The audience was very kind, friendly, and patiently listened to pick up information which might help them in their efforts at being vegetarians. This experience reminds me of how blessed I am to have such a wonderful monastery to learn with other lay members and have the chance to help people.(我在演讲中告诉听众,只要营养调配得宜,人生的任何阶段都可以吃素。听众们都非常友善、专注,想从我提供的资讯中学习如何成为素食者。我感到自己实在很有福报,拥有这么好的精舍环境,不但能与其他学员一同学佛,还能有机会为大众服务。)

照客组/传开 When I was 18, one evening having some fried chicken, I suddenly became aware that I was gnawing on a leg bone. I put it down and never had chicken again. I shared with visitors my experience and told them that any steps they take toward more vegetarian meals will be beneficial for themselves, animals and the planet. Just cutting down on the number of times of eating meat during the week can have a big impact.(十八岁那年有一次吃炸鸡时,突然意识到自己正在啃食的是一支腿骨,我立刻放下它,从此再也没吃鸡肉。我与来宾分享自己的素食经验,并告诉他们:只要每周少吃一点肉,就能产生巨大的影响;任何朝向素食习惯的努力,都能利益自己,也利益动物和地球环境。)


地址:5800 S. Anderson Rd., OKC, OK 73150, USA
