文/美国佛心寺英文研经班学员 传胜






   Everyday Matters: The Benefits of Daily Practice

  Before I came to meditation, I had insomnia. It seemed impossible to rest my mind, and as a result my job performance suffered. Because of poor personal choices, and perhaps because of lack of focus or sleep, my relationships with other people could become strained. I developed bad habits over the years, sometimes reacting with anger to events beyond human control. In short, I suffered. I began to become aware of something that was missing, and yet almost within reach. I read books about meditation and began to sit. I was surprised to discover that it helped. Eventually I realized that for my practice to grow, I needed a teacher. I began what I hope will be a lifelong practice, and to study the Dharma under the instruction of monastics.

  I will not say that meditation has solved all my problems. Not even close. However, I am confident that every teacher, from the Buddha onwards has emphasized that zen is a practice. It is not a light switch or a pill that will instantly fix anything. In fact, when someone asked me recently why I would want to “just sit there,” I replied that just sitting there is not the point, or the reason for practice. What is important is what happens when I stand up and go out into the world. When my day begins with meditation, I find that throughout the day those things I used to get so tight and angry about don't seem such a big deal. The workday is not such a grueling trial. I find camaraderie with my coworkers. At the end of the day, after sitting for 10 minutes or so to rest my mind. I lay my head down and sleep comes naturally more often than not.

  Here’s an example of my meditation practice on my life: I sometimes use those cheap shaving razors from the corner pharmacy. I always had horrible luck and cut myself every time! But then, just as an exercise, I decided to turn my morning shaving routine into an extension of my meditation. I tried to maintain the same mindfulness and presence while shaving that was so important on the meditation cushion. If a thought arose that had nothing to do with shaving, I would acknowledge it and let it go. Maintaining focus without concerted effort. Not thinking, just shaving, simply because that's what it was time to do. Of course, I didn't cut myself that time, and rarely ever since.

  To me, this is a simple analogy that explains the benefits of meditation: if I can move through the world as a more aware person, I cause less harm. This means less harm to myself and to others. One of the Dharma teachings that to me is most essential is the interpenetration of all things in the world. Our every action creates ripples that affect people all around us. I notice that as I felt less resentment and had more energy and better focus, not only my life, but the lives of the people I interact with each day are improved. As a result of my meditation practice, I am trying to be helpful where years ago I would have been derisive or dismissive to have a kind word about someone I don't like. The Buddha once said:

   A mind out of control will do more harm
   Than two angry men engaged in combat;
   A well-directed mind creates more well-being
   Than the wholesome actions of parents toward their children.
       – Dhammapada 3.10-11

  For my part, I believe him.
