文/美国佛心寺禅修班学员 传幸



  Between the vast heritage and kind smiles, our welcoming into Taiwan had been a warm one. Our travels have been busy, but always something new to discover - from beautiful monasteries to poetic landscapes and majestic mountains.

  On this pilgrimage I have been given the opportunity to come to this spiritual place called Chung Tai Chan Monastery. A special honor it had been. A few things I have learned:

  1. Our practice does not begin in the Chan Hall, but it begins at the first steep step into the monastery and then must be continued in every step and motion there after.

  2. To be a Shifu is to be compassionate and dedicated. It is not a job for everyone, but I am sure grateful for each of them.

  3. I have discovered I truly know next to nothing about the history of Buddhism. I may have understood basic principles and procedures, but now that my eyes have been opened to this history, I have a lot more studying to do and questions to ask.

  Grand Master Wei Chueh gave a Dharma talk which emphasized creating good connections with people. This spoke to my heart and pointed me in a more clear direction in my practice.

  Since I came to Taiwan and Chung Tai on our pilgrimage, I believed this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Now that my time here is coming to an end and I reflect on the blessings I have received from my Dharma brothers, participating in ceremonies and accepting the Dharma Association Award on behalf of our president from the Grand Master, I see I have only tasted a small piece of what is to come.

  I am immensely grateful for the Dharma and my Masters as well as all Shifus who have taken great vows to bring Buddha's teachings to our western land. Especially through the guidance of our Grand Master. I feel my roots are deep in Buddhism; I am just glad Buddhism has spread far enough to reach me again. For that, I vow to practice diligently life after life.

  My eyes have been the camera and my heart the storage - I can now take everything I learned back home to share.







  这次的台湾朝圣之旅,对我而言是终生难逢的机遇。值此旅程接近终点之际,我省视在台期间所享有的种种福报,包含参加各种法会、代表精舍护法会会长向 惟觉大和尚领取证书,以及各精舍师兄弟的盛情接待,我觉得在这趟旅程中,自己领受了很多,但是只体会了一小部分。

  对于 大和尚、对于自己所学习到的佛法,以及所有的法师,我有着满怀的感恩,感谢法师们在 大和尚的带领下,发愿将佛法弘扬到西方世界。非常高兴佛教能传播得够远,使自己有机会听闻佛法。我与佛法已结下深厚的因缘,发愿将生生世世精进修行。

