
文/菲律賓海天禪寺研經禪修班學員 法敬



  疫情封城時,我有時間靜下來檢討改進過去的言行。我每天反問自己:「在身口意上有精進努力嗎?」答案總是不變的:「要更努力。」若當天沒時間誦經及反省檢討,我還是會努力保持起善念。 「八正道」是我修行的依據。面對境界時,我常檢視自己對佛法的知見是否正確。這時我會回頭複習佛法開示,閱讀佛陀與弟子、祖師大德的公案,因為他們是精進修行的最佳典範。


Turning Your Thoughts Around Is Diligence

  When I first read the Six Paramitas, I felt like I had come across a clear guide on how to move forward in my practice. I didn’t realize "diligence in practice" was a 24/7 effort because bringing awareness to every moment, whether in action or in thought, requires examining my intention, as there will surely be consequences.

  Coming from a work experience where there were always goals, I set targets for sutra recitation, giving to charities, and a certain hours of volunteer work per week. After a year of reciting the Diamond Sutra, I have memorized a good portion of it and learned to recite it in Chinese. I'm deeply grateful to all Dharma Masters who dedicated their lives and crossed continents to learn a new language, took great effort to expound on Buddha's teachings, and those who translated sutras into English. Without them, many of us would have missed out on Buddha's teachings.

  In this pandemic, I found the quietness to examine my past actions, reactions, and choices. Each day I ask myself, "Have I done my best to practice consistently and diligently in thoughts, intentions, and actions?" The answer would always be the same, "Do more." Maybe that day I had less time to recite sutras and reflect quietly, but I could still diligently practice having good intentions and good thoughts. The anchor to my practice is Eightfold Path. In daily life situations—past or present, oftentimes doubts arose as to whether I had interpreted the teachings correctly. I go back to the Dharma talks and stories told on the Buddha and his disciples and on the Patriarchs. These are great examples and analogies of how to cultivate.

  I acknowledge that I'm far from having a consistent and diligent practice. Perhaps on the path to enlightenment, I may go around in circles, sometimes hopping backwards, occasionally skidding sideways, but I believe that I will eventually manage to take a step forward.


地址:716 Jose Abad Santos St., Little Baguio, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines
